The Ludwigvorstadt district, popularly known as "Dörfel", is characterized by cultural diversity and a colourful life. For the community work Dörfel at Josefstraße 1/1, the focus is therefore on integration. The good networking of all local associations and institutions also contributes to cohesion in the district.
The offers
- Consulting
- Groups for various educational programs
- Open meetings
- Leisure groups for adults and children
- Seasonal festivals and celebrations
- Meeting place for self-organized groups from the district
Citizens who want to use the service or get involved are welcome at any time.
Community work Dörfel
Office hours
Mon: 3 to 5 pm
Wed: 10 to 12 am and 2 to 6 pm
and by appointment
Concept for community work in the town of Rastatt (PDF) (1.4 MB)