Inventory analysis as a basis for planning

The requirements for the individual sub-projects for the Murg Rastatt HWS project are complex. An analysis of the current situation is therefore required, which will serve as the basis for further planning for the expansion of the flood protection system.

The following overview shows seven different typologies that reflect the current status in 2024. They differ mainly in terms of the placement of trees and walls and describe the transition from the Murg foreland to the city. Among other things, different open spaces and frequently varying flood protection structures such as dams and walls can be identified. Depending on the situation, this requires different approaches to the planning of flood protection measures and their integration into the open space.

Map of the Murg River in the town of Rastatt with various states of the dams
Aerial view of Rastatt city center with Murg

Light green

In this typology, buildings stand on a road that runs parallel to the Murg dam. The embankment is planted with greenery and the trees are on the side facing away from the road. A footpath runs along the embankment.


In this typology, buildings are located on a road that runs parallel to the Murgdamm. The embankment is landscaped. A footpath runs along the embankment. The trees are on the side facing the Murg.

Light blue

In this typology, buildings are located on a street that runs parallel to the Murgdamm. The road is lined with trees. The embankment is intercepted by a wall - often red sandstone. A footpath runs along the embankment.

Dark green

In this typology, buildings stand on a road that runs parallel to the Murgdamm. The embankment is intercepted by a wall. There are trees along the wall on the embankment and a footpath runs under the trees.


In this typology, a green area borders on the landside embankment or dam crest, either private gardens or a playground. They are demarcated by fences/hedges. The embankment is planted with greenery and the trees are on the side facing away from the Murg towards the road. A footpath runs along the embankment.

Dark blue

In this typology, a green area borders on the landside embankment, either private gardens or a playground. They are demarcated by fences/hedges. The embankment is landscaped. A footpath runs along the embankment. The trees are on the side facing the Murg.

NOTE: The Murg Rastatt flood protection, dam rehabilitation and aquatic ecology project is currently in the planning phase. The project website is therefore under construction and will be updated regularly.